Montagnicimes Tourist Office - Les Bottières Office

1885 Route des Bottières 73300 Saint-Pancrace
1885 Route des Bottières 73300 Saint-Pancrace
The Montagnicimes Tourist Office has three offices:
- Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne
- Albiez-Montrond
- Les Bottières
represents and provides tourist information for nine communes (Albiez-le-Jeune, Albiez-Montrond, Jarrier, La-Tour-en-Maurienne, Montvernier, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Saint-Julien-Montdenis, Saint-Pancrace, Villargondran).

Open only on extended weekends during the winter and summer seasons, the Les Bottières office provides information on the resort-village, its shops and restaurants, events and information on the free winter shuttle service between Les Bottières and La Toussuire.

For children, we offer the "Cat's Riddles" treasure hunt booklet for the whole family: Charlock and the animals.

For sale: :
- Topo-guides listing signposted walks in 4 sectors:
1 - Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne / La-Tour-en-Maurienne / Montvernier / Saint-Julien-Montdenis / Villargondran
2 - Albiez-Montrond / Albiez-le-Jeune
3 - Saint-Jean-d'Arves / Saint-Sorlin-d'Arves
4 - Villarembert / Le Corbier / Fontcouverte / La Toussuire / Saint-Pancrace / Les Bottières / Jarrier
- A store featuring local artisans and producers
- Fishing permits
- Subscriptions, booklets and tickets for the Cœur de Maurienne Arvan Bus network
- Trans'Alpes excursion tickets

Welcome to Les Bottières!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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