Montagnes de Normandie Tourisme - Bureau d'Information Touristique de La Roche d'Oëtre

Site de la Roche d'Oëtre 61430 Saint-Philbert-sur-Orne
Site de la Roche d'Oëtre 61430 Saint-Philbert-sur-Orne
La Roche d'Oëtre is located on the Armorican massif, the oldest mountain range in Europe. For nature-lovers, this is the place to be. It is not uncommon to hear a loud "oooh" from visitors as they step out onto the belvedere perched 118m above the valley of the river Rouvre. Nearby, the escarpment composed of granite and puddingstone has resisted thousands of years of erosion to form the famous "human profile". Come and take a hike around this stunning natural environment. Also on site, you will find a Tourism office, local product shop, bar-restaurant, starting point, picnic tables, cow and pony ride, tree-top adventure park, horse riding,play areas, a boule terrain, toilets. The naturalsite of la Roche d'Oetre is accessible all year round and is free of charge.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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