Menton, Riviera & Merveilles Tourist Office - Breil-sur-Roya Tourist Service

17, place Bianchéri 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
17, place Bianchéri 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
In the Roya Valley, the village of Breil-sur-Roya, commune of the Mercantour National Park, stretches all along the stream which serves as a harmonious setting for swans, fishermen and kayak enthusiasts. Known as the " Land of Olive-trees ", Breil-sur-Roya is a very lively village also offering a rich baroque heritage and many festivities such as the famous " Stacada ".

Breil-sur-Roya offers a rich baroque heritage and numerous festivities, including the famous Stacada, a traditional festival celebrating the contestation of local potentates every four years on the third or fourth Sunday in July.
Breil is also rich in craft activities and associations, and proposes a wide range of sporting activities: mountain bike routes, white water activities including canyoning, hiking...
Between the sea and the mountains, Breil is located halfway between Italy and Italy! 24 km from the sea at Ventimiglia, in the Liguria region, and 39 km from Limone Piemonte (an alpine ski resort) in the Piedmont region. The landscapes and vegetation range from 151 m to 2080 m (Pointe des Trois Communes - Authion massif), in a very great and rich diversity.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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