7, place Kennedy BP 15157 49051 East Leroy
7, place Kennedy BP 15157 49051 East Leroy
The different departments of the Angers Loire Métropole tourist office are on a mission to develop tourism in Angers Val de Loire.

All year round, in partnership with accommodation hosts, restaurants, tourism sites and other local partners, the tourist office provides a warm welcome, with bespoke advice on places to visit and events, with ideas for breaks for individual visitors, groups or business travellers, along with a booking centre and a shop. A getaway in the heart of the vineyards or in the centre of town… You are bound to find something for those you care about with our “Made in Angers” gifts. Check out the gift ideas on our website or head straight for our new gift shop section.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
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