Bureau d'accueil de Honfleur, centre historique - Office de Tourisme communautaire de Honfleur

Quai Lepaulmier 14600 Honfleur
Quai Lepaulmier 14600 Honfleur
This picturesque harbour town, painted by the Impressionists, is well worthy of its slogan ‘comme nul par ailleurs’ (like no other place), for it has something to please everyone! History enthusiasts are sure to be captivated by the Marine museum and the Ethnography museum, music lovers by the Maisons Satie, cinema lovers will come to take part in the Russian Film Festival, and nature lovers can enjoy a stroll through the Garden of Fame, whilst children can marvel at the exotic butterflies in the Naturospace centre, art aficionados can contemplate paintings by Eugène Boudin in the museum devoted to his works, together with those of lesser known artists throughout the town’s many art galleries.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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