Bougival Tourist Office

7 rue du Général Leclerc 78380 Bougival
7 rue du Général Leclerc 78380 Bougival
You will find information you need for your stay here. Bougival Tourist Information Office will help you to have a pleasant stay on the banks of the Seine but also in the territory of Versailles-Grand-Parc where you will discover sites that are not lacking in charm!

Its mission is to welcome and inform tourist and local visitors, but also to promote its rich heritage, while implementing a tourism strategy for the development and influence of the economic players in its territory.
You will find there a panel of documentation both for your research of practical and tourist information, accommodation and catering, events, in partnership with our local and regional actors...
Guided tours are available for groups and individuals.

Our “Boutique” stand offers books, DVDs, postcards, bookmarks, magnets, honey… And derivative products
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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