Véloc'Sud Carpentras

9 rue Colbert 84200 Carpentras
9 rue Colbert 84200 Carpentras
Véloc'Sud is an online bike rental and delivery service for all types of visitors, whether tourists, individuals, day-trippers or professionals. Their mountain bikes and electric-assist bicycles will be your best companions during your escapades.

You'll find exclusive, high-quality electric-assist bikes from German and French manufacturers.

Everything has been thought of for you, so take advantage of their experience and home delivery services.

Booking your bike online couldn't be simpler: simply fill in the rental dates, indicate the delivery location and secure all your transactions with just one click.

Choose your bike according to your activity of the day, orientate your choice according to your outings: family, sports or discovery. Your choice is made, don't hesitate!

You can reserve your bike 24 hours before the start date, and have it delivered directly to your home, or have it delivered from point A and returned to point B.
New: Bike repair workshop + "Café Vélo" relaxation area
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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