23 rue des Sables 85360 La Tranche-sur-Mer
23 rue des Sables 85360 La Tranche-sur-Mer
Bike hire: We offer a full range of bikes to suit all needs, from city bikes to mountain bikes, including VTCs, VAEs, tandems and racing bikes. We also have options for children, with bikes specially designed for them, trailers for children or pets, and baby seats.

On the sales side, we offer both new and used bikes, with a particular focus on well-known French brands such as GITANE, PEUGEOT and ADRIS.

For maintenance and repairs, our service covers all makes and types of bikes, whether muscle or electric.

You'll also find a wide range of accessories and spare parts to customise or repair your bike.

We offer home delivery and repairs in the Luçon - La Tranche sur Mer region.

Our shop is open all year round to meet your needs.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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