Pédal' Douce SARL

2 rue Jean Jaurès 74960 Annecy
2 rue Jean Jaurès 74960 Annecy
We provide one of the region's largest fleets of electric bikes for an easy ride around the lake. Our Annecy shop at 2 rue Jean Jaures is the perfect start point for your bike rides just 125m from the bike path and lake esplanade. It's close to one of the town's biggest car parks and just 150m from Tourist Information in the Bonlieu centre.
If you're feeling sporty and want to get your adrenalin pumping, our multi-sport packs will make your trip to Annecy unforgettable (cycling/paragliding, cycling/canyoning, cycling/kayaking, cycling/paddle-boarding etc.). Functions, school trips, work committees, family reunions, get in touch for bespoke packages.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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