Paulette - Location de vélos

FAUVEAU LOC VELO 6 Place Michelet 37100 Tours
FAUVEAU LOC VELO 6 Place Michelet 37100 Tours
Paulette simplifies the organization of cycling adventures. From a few hours to a few days? rental, the Paulette network is managed by passionate and expert teams, offering the right bike, accessories and itinerary to suit their customers? desires. In this way, Paulette enables you to discover the French countryside in an eco-responsible way, all by the power of your calves! Paulette's promise is to give you a break from the hustle and bustle of urban life, and a chance to get back to nature. Locals and tourists alike can rent a bike, get away from it all and explore Tours and the surrounding regions
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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