Opale Vélo Service

152, Boulevard Gambetta 62100 Calais
152, Boulevard Gambetta 62100 Calais
All year round, it is possible to rent one or more bikes from Opale Vélo Services. The choices are infinite: for a ½ day or for a year! Discover the wide choice we have: Dutch type bike, electric assisted bike (EAB), mountain bike, VTC, tandem, baby carrier, child trailer, ... The association provides anti-theft, helmet, repair kit, rain cape, ... You can make your reservation online via the platforms OuiBike, bimbimbike, on opaleveloservices.fr and also directly at the shop.
Opale Vélo Services is located in downtown Calais near La Vélomaritime (EV4) and the EV5.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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