Location Vélos Charente

88 rue Claude Boucher 16100 Cognac
88 rue Claude Boucher 16100 Cognac
The surrounding countryside, mainly made up of hillsides planted with vines used in the production of our precious spirit, is open to you. If it is too hot to pedal, many owners will open the doors of their brandy cellars to you. You will be able to taste Vin de Pays Charentais, Pineau des Charentes and Cognac, to be drunk in moderation of course.

You can take advantage of the towpath along the Charente and even ride the Flow Vélo, this itinerary which starts in Thiviers in the Dordogne and runs along the river will take you to Fouras facing the Ile d'Aix.

Unique in the region, we offer you all the camping or bikepacking equipment you need for your next holiday in autonomy. Practical, we will be able to advise you on itineraries or tricks to discover the bike trip in all serenity.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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