location vélo électrique sur la via Rhôna et parcours à thème

ViaRhôna and Riviera des Alpes on two wheels. Let yourself be guided by our electric bikes, classic bikes, tandems and recumbent tandems equipped with GPS.
3 territories to cross in the heart of the ViaRhôna: Pays de Seyssel, Chautagne, Bugey. In addition to the 60 km of ViaRhôna, we offer a dozen themed routes and itineraries.
Once you have made your choice, you can hop on your electric bike (or classic bike) to discover a rich and varied heritage: castles, mills, waterfalls, the historic dam (Génissiat), the nature reserve of the Lavours marsh, not forgetting the mysterious Hautecombe Abbey on the Lac du Bourget, will surprise you with their authenticity and character.
The GPS on the bikes (subject to availability) will guide you on the different routes to help you discover a region rich in flavours and atmospheres.
The wine of Seyssel and Chautagne (label vineyard and discoveries), the cheeses of Savoy (goat dairy of Vions, farm of Saget...) and the artisanal chocolate factories (Seyssel and Chanaz) will be delighted your papillae at the time of an improvised visit/tasting.
This year, new features such as tandem and recumbent bicycles will allow you to discover the magnificent ViaRhôna linking Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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