Location de vélos - Cycles en Born

22 rue des lacs 43 avenue Maurice Martin 40200 Mimizan
22 rue des lacs 43 avenue Maurice Martin 40200 Mimizan
Store open from February to All Saints' Day. More than 400
bikes will be at your disposal always of excellent quality and of great brands such as: ARCADE ? EXS ? PROLINE ? SUNN ? CUBE ? GT.
All types of bicycles VTC, VTT, VTC with electric assistance (VAE), BEACH CRUISER, children's bicycles of all ages as well as all the accessories like trailers and baby carrier with choice of bicycles men or ladies, boys or girls, in all sizes.
You will also have free helmets, anti-theft devices, baskets, anti-puncture bombs and maps of bicycle paths.
Repair possible.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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