La base nautique de Cappy - Bivouac en Somme

Welcome to Cappy!
It's the newest addition to the valley, between Amiens and Péronne, in Cappy, in the heart of nature and the Somme Valley! The Bivouac en Somme association is offering canoeing, kayaking, paddling, cycling and pedal-boating activities!
On the program:
- sport, if you like a lively, fast-paced activity. With family or friends, you can book 2-hour sessions and put your best foot forward in the exceptional setting of the Somme Valley.
- if you'd prefer to go for a longer day or several days, we're the place for you. The Bivouac en Somme team can adapt to your every need. Whether you're a couple, a group of friends or a group of children, we'll take on the challenges of a self-guided holiday.
- cool cool leisure if you're in quiet mode and just want to have a good time with friends and teenagers (note, this is a good plan for leaving the phones behind ;-) )
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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