12 Boulevard Bonrepos 31100 Toulouse
12 Boulevard Bonrepos 31100 Toulouse
Feeling like a bike ride with your lover, your children or your friends?
 Come visit us at La Maison du Vélo! A quirky little space dedicated to bikes and cycling in Toulouse! 
Ideally located in front of Toulouse’s main railway station “Toulouse Matabiau” – right by the Canal du Midi, La Maison du Vélo offers many services for the occasional or enthusiast rider: 

-  Bike rental: light and comfortable city bikes. Tips, itineraries and maps upon request. 

-  Bike rental: touring bikes to go riding off tracks/off the beaten track. 

-  The Véloccitane bike trips agency provides you with ready to gopackages between Bordeaux 
and Sète. 

-  Guided tours to discover Toulouse must-sees. 

-  An easy bike repair workshop. 

-  La Maison du Vélo is also a restaurant, “Le Vélo Sentimental”, working with seasonally grown 
produce that you can enjoy under the shade of the old limetree. Don’t miss La Maison du Vélo on your next trip to Toulouse! 

Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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