La Maison du Pont Canal - Location et réparation de vélos

La Maison du Pont Canal 7 quai Mazoyer Port de commerce 45250 Briare
La Maison du Pont Canal 7 quai Mazoyer Port de commerce 45250 Briare
The house of the Bridge Canal proposes you:
Local products, crafts, gifts, souvenirs of Briare.
Renting of bicycles VTC and VAE, trailers in the half day and in the day all the year.
Starting from the store, on the commercial port (next to the boat launch), you will be able to enjoy the banks of the Canal Latéral and the old canal, as well as the Loire River on the Terres de Loire et Canaux territory. Briare is the crossroads of the Loire by bike, the Scandiberique and the Loiret by water. Possibility of renting for several days only for the V.T.C, as well as guided tours on request.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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