
1063 Rte des Tattes de Borly 74380 Cranves-Sales
1063 Rte des Tattes de Borly 74380 Cranves-Sales
Greentrack is a shop specialising in the sale of electric bikes and is based in the commune of Vetraz-Monthoux, just a stone's throw from Geneva.
Greentrack also hires out electric bikes for a day or weekend. There is a car park available so you can leave your car and cycle in complete peace of mind.
Greentrack has found the best electric-assisted bikes especially for you. Immerse yourself in a world of cycling, and discover a wide range of bikes from the simplest to the most exclusive. We deliberately stock a wide range so everybody can make the most of the health benefits of cycling. At Greentrack, we only sell CE marked products, and especially bikes that have been chosen from among the most exacting brands in terms of quality and sturdiness, to ensure your satisfaction! Have a good trip!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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