Cycles Central Garage

15 Avenue de l'Europe 33680 Lacanau
15 Avenue de l'Europe 33680 Lacanau
In the city center, close to bike paths, the Central garage, pioneer of renting cycles, provides bicycles for the whole family at Discount Open from April to November, Benjamin welcomes you into his shop all day and later in the evening. + The Central Garage: delivery of bikes on place for your holiday! With his experience, he sees on the bike that suits you-VTT, VTC, electric bicycles ... For you and your children, everything is planned, trailers, followers, BB seats. For lovers, pedaling two is possible, the tandem awaits. Maintenance and repairs insured, sale of spare parts and accessories, new and second hand cycles. And in addition, it is located opposite the Tourist Office, the opportunity to say hello!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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