Buena Vista Rafting

Zone Artisanale 04120 Castellane
Zone Artisanale 04120 Castellane
The electric bike is an efficient alternative for getting around the Verdon: no more worries about the relief of our magnificent valley! And this gentle mode of locomotion fits in perfectly with our motto: "The Spirit of Sport and Nature in the Gorges du Verdon".
Ideal for an outing that's both fun and sporty, the electric mountain bike will give you access to paths that you might never ordinarily have dared to take. Feel free to stop whenever you like: to take the coolest photo or simply enjoy the scents of thyme and lavender.
Buena Vista Rafting offers you the chance to pedal gently around the Verdon lakes, discovering two routes with grandiose panoramas that also invite you to take a dip.
Half-day or full-day rentals from our base in Castellane.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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