Bigabike - Location de vélos et balades guidées

4 Avenue de la Libération 33380 Biganos
4 Avenue de la Libération 33380 Biganos
Rental of muscle and electric bikes, trailers and accessories delivered from Biganos or directly from our stores in Biganos (4 avenue de la Libération) or in Audenge at Le Braou campsite, accessible to all (premises behind reception).
Whether you're planning an EVG, EVJF, company seminar or CE outing, Bigabike can offer you wonderful bike rides, excursions and escapades, taking you to magical places where you'll be guided through the wilderness between land and sea. Around our beautiful Bay of Arcachon, come and combine sport and discovery in a relaxed spirit and a heavenly setting. We offer 2h, 4h and 6h tours (tasting - oyster farm meal - boat trip).
These are very accessible tours, and you can bring your own bike. If you don't, we can rent you the equipment.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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