Balad'à Vélo - Store

11 bis Avenue de la Libération 33360 Latresne
11 bis Avenue de la Libération 33360 Latresne
Balad?à Vélos ? Store was born from an unconditional passion for electrically assisted bicycles and, above all, from a determination to create this store in Latresne on the Roger-Lapebie bicycle path.
we have always believed in electrically assisted bicycles and we think that they are the future, because they open this activity to everyone.
Rent your bike from us for a day, a weekend or several days and explore the bike path but also other routes to discover the hilly landscapes of the Entre-deux-Mers.
We are proud to specialize in the sale and maintenance of all types of bikes.
We take the time to understand your needs and wishes, in order to offer you the most suitable products for your situation and will accompany you in the regular maintenance of your bike.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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