Manoir du Bois Joly - Roulotte gitane

Manoir du Bois Joly Margon 28400 Arcisses
Manoir du Bois Joly Margon 28400 Arcisses
This single-room, 12 m² caravan features a double bed in the back alcove. The bench in the living room area can be separated into two single beds! The kitchenette is equipped with a fridge and cooktop. Inside, for dinner or lunch, a table and chairs are available. Another kitchen area as well as bathrooms with shower and toilets are available nearby. Surrounded by nature and near animals, the outdoor furniture and barbecue await you for delightful moments in the Perche region! When the season allows, pool access is available!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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