Eureka Gallery

150 rue de la République 73000 Chambéry
150 rue de la République 73000 Chambéry
The mountain space of la Galerie Eurêka offers a wonderful trip... In a scenery which immerse us in the core of an amazing valley, discover the world of sciences and of technologies thank to a natural laboratory : the mountain.
Turn back the clock to understand the birth of mountains, comprehend the gigantic forces who make them born and disappear.

Meet everything that is living, flowing or trumbling along those gradients.
Lift the veil on the biggest technical and technological challenges from the last and future centuries.
Become fully aware of the fragility of this environment which shows the issues and the challenges of the 21st century.
When you'll have explored the 13 spaces, discovered the manipulations, played, turned, pulled, pushed, when you'll have listened, looked, smelt.. You'll leave with a new look on the mountains.

La Galerie Eurêka, it's also showrooms of temporary exhibitions, destined to the reception of events during the whole year on very different scientific themes.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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