The Pyramid **

14 Boulevard Fernand Point 38200 Vienne
14 Boulevard Fernand Point 38200 Vienne
Accuracy, invention and subtlety are present to the delight of your guests.
The gourmet restaurant room embodies the spirit of the house: Innovative, Majestic, Unmissable, Out of the ordinary.
Come and discover the cuisine of Patrick Henriroux, two Michelin-starred in a warm atmosphere that whets the appetite.
A historic house to savor privileged moments of escape and relaxation. Enjoy a warm place where the soul, spirit and kindness of passionate people reign.
Chef Henriroux's cuisine is in his image: generous, driven by the search for pleasure and satisfaction of its guests.
Born in 1958 in Haute-Saône, this son of a farmer is attached to nourishing land: in his creations, vegetables are adorned with their most beautiful assets, cooked, seasoned and accompanied. The Chef imagines recipes with astonishing accuracy. Let yourself be surprised by the gourmet and creative dishes made from products of great nobility.
Patrick Henriroux is one of those talented restaurateurs, for whom cooking is a global experience, synonymous with sharing and exchange, hospitality and flavors. The result is exceptional creations, for a rare and unforgettable culinary and human moment.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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