Restaurant - SPA Les Peupliers

239 Chemin de Lesdier 05200 Baratier
239 Chemin de Lesdier 05200 Baratier
In a warm, cosy setting, the restaurant invites you to discover its delicious, gourmet cuisine, with a focus on fresh, local produce.

In winter, you can enjoy your meal next to the fireplace, to the sound of crackling flames. In summer, menus are served on the terrace to take in the magnificent panorama of the Hautes-Alpes.

The little extra: the TV lounge, where you can watch all your sporting events on the big screen.

Restaurant open every evening
Open for lunch on Saturdays and Sundays (Thursdays to Sundays in summer)

Last service time: 9pm

Closed from 07/04 to 05/05/2024 and from 13/10 to 11/11/2024.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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