Restaurant Les Humanistes

4 rue du Golf 67600 Sélestat
4 rue du Golf 67600 Sélestat
At the restaurant Les Humanistes, all the subtleties and refinement of French gastronomy are revealed.

We propose a plunge into the heart of our terroirs in order to discover all the richness of a refined, generous and delicately elegant cuisine. All the senses are solicited to allow an unforgettable culinary journey.

As a bonus, two very beautiful terraces, to enjoy a real moment of peace and quiet in front of the majestic Haut Koenigsbourg castle. The adjoining bar, in a chic and sophisticated setting, offers all the values of elegance, intimacy and discretion. Its refined and warm atmosphere facing the panorama of the Vosges seduces all customers looking for a pleasant moment.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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