Restaurant - Les Cabanes Urbaines

22 rue Cardinal 17000 La Rochelle
22 rue Cardinal 17000 La Rochelle
Here you will not find a freezer, we are eco-responsible. We collect the products on your plate in the morning at the market with our two-wheeler. Our kitchen offers a balanced and different menu every day to awaken your taste buds.

Whether on the terrace, in the dining room, or on a sofa; a lunch with colleagues, a dinner with friends, or a snack with the family at the weekend; each time of life has its own atmosphere and dishes. It is with the pleasure of welcoming you as guests at home that we have imagined this restaurant as a convivial table. And so it is with simplicity and kindness that you are invited to sit at our table.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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