Restaurant Lassey du Château Sainte Sabine

8, route de Semur 21320 Sainte-Sabine
8, route de Semur 21320 Sainte-Sabine
Chef Benjamin Linard is a proud ambassador of the "Savoir-faire 100% Côte d'Or" brand, which highlights chefs from the Côte-d'Or who are keen to share their 100% local know-how.

He likes to work with local, raw and terroir products, always with a touch of wild herbs and colourful flavours for creative, gourmet and comforting dishes.

Crispy pike-perch, parsnips and black garlic accompanied by a Chablis sauce with hazelnut butter, lightly smoked Bresse poultry sublimated with a timbale of chanterelles with chives. Those with a sweet tooth won't forget to order the famous Soufflé à la cazette du Morvan, a delicious roasted Burgundy hazelnut, at the start of the meal.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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