Restaurant - Chez Liadet

Route des charbonnières 25240 Mouthe
Route des charbonnières 25240 Mouthe
In an old mountain chalet nestled at an altitude of 1080 m, in a calm and exotic setting, you will be welcomed in a warm atmosphere typical of the Haut-Doubs.
Enjoy a Franc-Comtoise cuisine made with fresh and of course regional products!
The most curious will discover one of their specialities, "La Clocherade": meat cooked on a hot bell!
We like: the regional products from the short circuit, the mountainous, exotic and calm setting.
As the customers are the best placed to speak about it, here is what they think: "A treat for the eyes and the taste buds"!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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