Le Bélico

ZAC Saint-Martin 84120 Pertuis
ZAC Saint-Martin 84120 Pertuis
Located in the town of Pertuis, about twenty kilometers from Aix-en-Provence, the restaurant Le Belico welcomes you in a sunny setting and a friendly atmosphere. Come and taste a regional French cuisine that subtly mixes the flavors of the Camargue and Provence.
The Belico's curved glass façade generously lets in the sun of Provence. Inside, the sober and elegant decoration composed of round anise green benches, light wood floors and golden light fixtures is just as bright. You feel good as soon as you walk in the door!
This warmth is reflected in the menu, which honors local products. With colleagues or friends, sit on the terrace by the pool with an aperitif board and a cocktail or a glass of PDO wine to enjoy a little vacation feeling!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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