La Halte Nautique restaurant

Port de Plaisance 30127 Bellegarde
Port de Plaisance 30127 Bellegarde
All our dishes are homemade by our in-house team at the restaurant.

100% fresh products:
Fruit and vegetables are all from the region.
Our fish is only caught in the Atlantic Ocean or Mediterranean Sea.
Pork from the Bigorre and Duroc black pig.
Beef comes from the Aubrac, Normandy, Simmental, Aberdeen Black Angus and Limousine varieties.

Our wine cellar was created by wine enthusiasts who introduced us to the most talented winegrowers from our beloved region and country.
Fantastic wine list.
Dishes to take-away, home deliveries (within a radius of 20 km), catering service, wine merchant.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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