Café Vélo

7 Place Mossé 58000 Nevers
7 Place Mossé 58000 Nevers
Our motto is simple: we only offer things that we would like to eat ourselves! Everything is homemade, using fresh, local produce wherever possible. Although not strictly vegetarian, our cuisine is inspired by Mediterranean influences, for example a selection of mezze offering an explosion of flavours! We offer daily tempting salads and simple dishes, such as soft-boiled eggs in various styles. Specialty bagels with fillings, plus a wide selection of cakes, such as banana muffins, scones, New York cheesecake, and other "Anglo-Saxon" pastry staples. In short, everything you won't find elsewhere in the Nièvre.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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