Les Collines du Bourdic - St Maximin Tasting Cellar

2 chemin de Férigoullières 30700 Saint-Maximin
2 chemin de Férigoullières 30700 Saint-Maximin
We invite you to discover our wide range of wines labelled AOP Duché d'Uzès, IGP Coteaux du Pont du Gard, IGP Cévennes or IGP Pays d'OC.

The sommelier and her team will help you discover the wines of our cellar with passion, in the unique atmosphere of an old wine-making vat.

The winemakers offer you around thirty wines of recognized quality, regularly awarded the highest distinctions: white, rosé or red. Varietal or blended wines, still or sparkling (traditional method) or even semi-dry and sweet. Our terroir boasts an exceptional microclimate.

The plains and hillsides, bathed in Mediterranean sunshine, are close to the Cévennes foothills, giving Collines du Bourdic wines their distinctive aromatic richness and freshness.

Our meticulous selection of plots, rigorous specifications, harvesting at optimum ripeness and high-performance winemaking facilities are just some of the factors that contribute to the quality of our wines.

Wine tourism is another strong point. Our winemakers offer
- free tastings of their wines (Groups: on request)
- events: Les Collinades (August), Alliances Gourmandes (January and July), Festival primeur (October), in Bourdic or St Maximin.
- a discovery trail and cellar tours departing from the second sales cellar in Bourdic.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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