Ferme Comet-Tournier

1787 route de Saint-Sever 40250 Toulouzette
1787 route de Saint-Sever 40250 Toulouzette
This is the story of a family rooted in its roots and passing on its culinary and cultural heritage.
After Simone and Maurice, it was Jean-Claude and Francine's turn to develop the breeding of geese, then Patricia and Christophe started the breeding of ducks and finally Camille, Nicolas and Emilie who integrated the white asparagus of the Landes, the lentils and the organic red fruits.
The Comet-Tournier farm is part of the Tourisme Gourmand des Landes network. Each ambassador of the network answers a rigorous schedule of conditions whose criteria approach the attention brought to the reception of the customers, the valorization of the local products and the preservation of the short circuits.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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