Verrerie Cristallerie de la Rochère

4 Rue de la Verrerie 70210 Passavant-la-Rochère
4 Rue de la Verrerie 70210 Passavant-la-Rochère
In the region of the Haute-Saône and the Vosges, a towering chimney and long, pink sandstone buildings signal the presence of the Verrerie de la Rochère.
These glassworks were founded in 1475 by the squire and gentleman glassmaker Simon de Thysac. They are located on the edge of the extensive forest of Darney, where all the raw materials for glassmaking can be found.
Creativity and innovation flow freely her, making this Franche-Comté establishment one of the most highly reputed in the world.
A Japanese-style garden is also situated on the grounds.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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