Rochemaure: a village with outstanding character

Le Village 07400 Rochemaure
Le Village 07400 Rochemaure
The village of Rochemaure is an exceptional classified and registered heritage. The buildings are black and white because of basalt and limestone combinations which give it an elegant look.
The medieval castle from the 12th century, the ramparts from the 13th century, Jovyac’s castle from the 16th century and Olivier de Serres’ hydraulic system are classified monuments.
The old bridge, Notre-Dames-des Anges’ chapel, the old village are in the inventory of registered heritage.
But Rochemaure is also well-known for:
- ViaRhôna: the cycling road from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea alongside the Rhône, which is 100 meters from the village. You will be able to cross the Rhône on the Marc Seguin’s old bridge, restored as a Himalayan footbridge.
- A beautiful view on the Rhône valley
- Lots of trail where you can discover many stunning volcanoes scenic
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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