Fort de Tamié

Route du collet de Tamié 73200 Mercury
Route du collet de Tamié 73200 Mercury
This is the most important of the forts built at the mouth of the Alpine valleys by France in the 19th century. Built in 1876 by 600 Italian workers, it commanded the Albertville square.
Before Savoie became part of France (1860), it had few fortifications. The French government therefore commissioned General Séré de Rivières to build a number of fortifications, including Fort de Tamié, to defend access to the borders.
The fort's strategic interest lies in its geographical position, with surveillance from all directions and defense of access routes. Its enclosure included several artillery battery positions concealed in the folds of land. Troops were housed in casemates and caves dug into the rock.

An adventure course, a children's playground, audio-guided historical tours, a snack bar and a regional produce store for gourmets are available on site.
Open from April to the autumn vacations.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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