
1 lieu-dit sur la croix 01130 Plagne
1 lieu-dit sur la croix 01130 Plagne
Discover 3 minutes in the life of a gigantic animal 150 million years ago in the Jurassic period in the middle of an authentic natural mountain site!

From the reception area, a path leads to a canopy protecting the tracks at the top of the trail.
A connected walk will supplement the information on the panels. A number of themes will be covered: biodiversity, the Jurassic period, the evolution of the continents, etc. These stages will explain the interest and challenges of this site, which has been classified as a Sensitive Natural Area (ENS).

Under the canopy, thanks to virtual reality headsets, you can travel back 150 million years to Plagne and observe Odysseus and Maxime in their environment at the time. Guaranteed to thrill!
VR animation forbidden for under 9s.

To appreciate the length of this track, the longest in the world, the footprints located outside the canopy and protected by burial, are also highlighted, so go and find out how !

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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