Vexin français Museum

Maison du Parc 95450 Théméricourt
Maison du Parc 95450 Théméricourt
The visitor explores during the museographic route of the educational spaces dedicated to the geology and to the reading of the landscapes as well as the playful spaces on the fauna, the flora or the construction. Plunged into the bucolic charm of the territory thanks to the media show " If Vexin was told me ", he penetrates then into the intimacy of a house vexinoise with the presentation of the collection of works of art and popular tradition gathered by the spouses Vasseur, the vocal advocates of French Vexin.

The museum also offers a diversified cultural program around children activities, shows or conferences related to the temporary exhibitions presented.

It also has a tourist information area and a shop with a wide range of products from local crafts and know-how as well as guides and books on the region.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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