The park of Bois-Preau

Avenue de Bois Préau 92500 Rueil-Malmaison
Avenue de Bois Préau 92500 Rueil-Malmaison
The very distinguished host of the park, the statue of Empress Josephine, invites visitors upon their arrival, to relax in a true English garden of 17 hectares. The park of Bois-Preau is home to many rare plant species and ancient trees such as the Byzantium hazel tree, the common Hornbeam, the Corsican pine and the giant sequoia. It is the perfect place for family walks and an ideal setting for events, shows and concerts.

The château of Bois-Preau evokes the memory of the Emperor in Saint Helena
and the return of his ashes to Paris. It was the last acquisition of Empress Josephine. She lodged her doctor there and stored her countless collectible objects there too.

After the death of Josephine in 1814, several owners succeeded her one after another. The Americans Mr and Mrs Tuck, great benefactors of the city, purchased it in 1920 and offered it as a gift in 1926 to the National Museums to create an annex to Château de Malmaison.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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