Musée départemental des Arts & Traditions Populaires - Château de Champlitte

Château de Champlitte 70600 Champlitte
Château de Champlitte 70600 Champlitte
This museum brings back memories of past-time activities and objects of the “Haute-Saône”. Furniture, souvenirs, itinerant odd jobs, reconstituted workshops. Popular medicine, pharmacy, room which brings to mind the links with Mexico.
This museum created in 1954 by Albert Demard is set in the prestigious frame of the castle of which the typical front of the Renaissance is inserted in a body of building with a 18th rotunda.
The rural life of the 19th century, then the life of the village with its craftsmen (working of the leather, hemp, iron, pottery and lace) are alternately evoked as well as its communal places of reception (the grocer's shop, the coffee shop, the school or the funfair).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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