Maison du Castor

2 route de Nîmes 30210 Collias
2 route de Nîmes 30210 Collias
The Maison du Castor is an original reception area dedicated to the beaver and the river Gardon. It includes an educational and recreational area, a relaxation area and an open-air theatre. For those who wish, guided tours are offered on the site or nearby in the natural areas of the Gardon gorges.

An experience

The Maison du Castor plunges you into Mediterranean nature, into the heart of the river and its treasures.

Between the interior and exterior, the museum invites you to an encounter with a landscape, a history, a protected natural site, in contact with the elements. As you explore the spaces of the Maison du Castor, enjoy a unique experience thanks to our fun, interactive and sensory exhibition rooms. Giant beaver, models, diorama, slide, digital tablets will help you discover the mysteries of the Gardon.

A must-see with your family or friends!
A meeting

The Maison du Castor is above all an extraordinary encounter.

A friendly-looking animal, the beaver has not always been protected. Between episodes of the Cévennes and dry spells, the beaver thrives in a riverine vegetation made up of willows and poplars. And it is from these trees that our furry ball will feed. Rarely straying far from the river, the animal leaves behind signs of its presence visible from the beaches of the Gardon. Around him, a rich and exceptional biodiversity gravitates to form a complex ecosystem.

Throughout your visit, the museographic space will help you discover and understand the environment of the Gardon gorges.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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