1 Avenue Paul Riquet Saint-Ferréol 31250 Revel
1 Avenue Paul Riquet Saint-Ferréol 31250 Revel
A journey to the sources of the Canal: physical sources, since it is situated on the banks of the artificial lake that feeds this formidable work of art; historical sources, since it invites you to discover the genesis of the project and to meet its brilliant inventor, Pierre-Paul Riquet.

Located at the foot of the 17th century Saint-Ferréol dam, a key element in the canal water supply and listed as a world heritage site, the museum has been housed in the former "Maison de l'Ingénieur" (Engineer's House). Set in the shadows of the opulent 19th century landscaped garden, this museographic space unfolds the fabulous adventure of the Canal du Midi.

Closed on 1st May, from 23rd-25th/12 inclusive, and from 30th/12-10th/01/20 inclusive.
Our museum has the mark "Values Parc Naturel Régional du Haut-Languedoc".
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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