Le Paléospace - Musée de France

5 avenue Jean Moulin 14640 Villers-sur-Mer
5 avenue Jean Moulin 14640 Villers-sur-Mer
Delve into the Jurassic Period! Some 160 million years ago, dinosaurs occupied the Earth, and the seas that covered Normandy were home to ferocious marine reptiles…

Discover the skeletons of these fearsome predators (Anna the ichthyosaurus: 5.4m in length, a liopleurodon: 10m) together with a great variety of fauna and flora: the Black Cow Cliffs abound with fossils that bear witness to its bygone underwater past.

Take part in workshops, guided tours, the treasure trail, etc.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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