Le jardin Singulier - Esprit des lieux

Maison forestière 84390 Saint-Léger-du-Ventoux
Maison forestière 84390 Saint-Léger-du-Ventoux
Learn to experience nature in a different way: Playful, artistic or botanical... you'll be amazed by the trails that start from the site.
In the heart of the Toulourenc valley, the Jardin Singulier unfurls its themed family trails and a mountain itinerary, all under the protective shadow of the Ventoux.
The vegetation is wild but tamed, and our aim is to help you discover its countless facets. When you return from your walks, you'll be welcomed in the "Esprit des Lieux" bookshop in the middle of the woods. Here you can discover a selection of over 2,000 books chosen for you each summer.

Coming soon: a botanical trail featuring some thirty plants from dry and sensitive environments, and a photographic trail with paintings by Éve Barreire.

- 2 hikes of 2 hours and 45 minutes on marked trails and 2 treasure hunts for all ages.
- a bike repair and loan workshop to discover the beautiful Toulourenc valley in "slow tourism" mode.
-Trail games x Nature quiz. For those who don't want to walk, the quizzes can be taken on the terraces.

What's new?

Hands-and-feet sensory workshops for visually impaired and sighted people with masks.
-An audio tree trail (day and night) in 5 languages.
-Picnic and relaxation areas with handcrafted furniture: deckchairs, armchairs, hammocks, etc.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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