Histopad de la Saline royale

Grande Rue 25610 Arc-et-Senans
Grande Rue 25610 Arc-et-Senans
The HistoPad, developed by the Histovery company, allows visitors to take an augmented reality tour of the Royal Saltworks using a touch-sensitive tablet. Immersive 3D historical 360° images and interactive 3D objects allow visitors to project themselves into the Royal Saltworks of the 18th century and meet the salt workers at the time of the factory.

A treasure hunt, a histoselfie and an electronic guestbook complete the tour. The content of the Histopad tablets is translated into 11 languages: French, English, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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