The Caves of La Balme

Rue des Grottes 38390 La Balme-les-Grottes
Rue des Grottes 38390 La Balme-les-Grottes
Arrive under this impressive porch and enter the bowels of the cliff to discover labyrinths, an underground lake, stalactites and stalagmites, an amphitheater of small pools... that's what the Grottes de La Balme have to offer.

Take your time on a self-guided tour lasting around 1 hour 15 minutes, or take a guided tour (booking required).

Visited since 1807, the Grottes de La Balme reveal their history and mysteries as you explore 1,000 meters of underground galleries.
Located in the Nord-Isère region, in the center of the village of La Balme-les-Grottes, the caves are an exciting detour in the Balcons du Dauphiné region.

Round off your day with a free visit to the Espace Naturel Sensible “Les Coteaux de Saint-Roch”, with its signposted path and discovery booklet. This protected natural area allows you to observe the particular features of the cliffs, forest and dry grasslands surrounding the Grottes de La Balme, home to numerous species of protected plants and animals.

Become true adventurers with our 100% family-friendly activities! A zip-line across the porch, a playful visit with Archibalme's Investigation: young and old alike will be delighted.
Summer and winter alike, the underground world never ceases to amaze!

The souvenir store is open at the same time as the caves, and offers a wide range of gifts: crockery, textiles, stones, a selection of books and other must-have items for yourself or as a gift.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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