Pack course d'orientation et Mini Golf - Vertigo Parc

Chemin de Ronflac 17220 La Jarne
Chemin de Ronflac 17220 La Jarne
2 orienteering races to discover with friends, family or colleagues....

CO Children: from 5 years old (accompanied by an adult) and alone from 8/10 years old. With the help of a simplified map of the park and a few photos, venture into the woods to find the hidden letters and reform the mystery word!

CO junior/adult: ages 12/14 and up, from age 14 up, go in search of the mystery word with the help of a map and a compass! Make sure you don't get lost in the woods!

1 9-hole mini-golf course for children aged 5 and over: a little precision, a lot concentration, and may the best player win!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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