Escape Castle 41

SARL Les 3 G Le Château des Enigmes -1 Château de Rocheux 41160 Fréteval
SARL Les 3 G Le Château des Enigmes -1 Château de Rocheux 41160 Fréteval
1rst room : entrance exam to the Academy of Wizards and Sorcerers of Rocheux. You and your friends only dream about one thing: Join the Academy of Wizards and Sorcerers of Rocheux. The selection process is tough, and every year many people fail the entrance exam, which is a mixture of spells, rebus, cipher combinations and magic riddles ! And you, will you succeed ? 2nd room : Professor Dragonard's Mysterious Office : it is a serious moment : one of the most precious objects of the Academy of Witchcraft has just been stolen: the coveted wand of Immortality. The headmaster of the Academy, the illustrious Professor Dragonard, has asked you to go in search of it. Be clever and curious, you're in for a surprise !
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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